Andrew Kuhlman
From the outset of my experience with VIN, VIN has not failed to show itself to be an exceptionally compassionate and considerate volunteer program and organization. During my experience in Nepal and with VIN, every single member of VIN’s organization took a personal and genuine interest in my experience and my well-being. VIN not once failed to be prompt and thoughtful in response to any of my inquiries or needs. They were also not only willing but eager to adapt themselves and their organization to me, and in my experience, every volunteer that comes to work with them. VIN’s reputation was also visible in the community as I worked as a community health volunteer. Every women’s group and family that we visited was excited and very grateful for the education that we taught or the necessities, such as toilets, that we provided.
Although, working in Nepal was sometimes challenging and frustrating because of the different lifestyles and practices, I really learned through Nepal to slow life down and take it moment by moment, which is often an invaluable lesson. Sometimes in life, it is easy to get caught in the details and in the way things “should” be, but here things just are. And when a problem becomes out of your reach, simple wisdom takes hold and says “What to do?” and the answer simply lies with life. At that point, life can meet you and you can meet life.
All in all, due to VIN, I never once felt in need or in want and my time and experience in Nepal and with VIN has been and will continue to be humbling, life changing and unforgettable