Volunteers’ Chitwan Trip
Chitwan lies 148kms away from Kathmandu but don’t expect to get there in under 6 hours if travelling by bus. If going by bus tourist buses are the most comfortable and cost approximately $UDS18.00 and depart from Kantipath at 8:00am.
Chitwan is a thriving tourist destination with a lot of modern resorts and hotels. Tourist shops are also bountiful. This is one destination where you can expect to encounter a lot of other tourists.
The main attraction Chitwan National Park is the first national park in Nepal. It was established in 1973 and granted the status of a World Heritage Site in 1984. Most tourist packages will include the following: – visit to the National Parks Visitors centre, canoe ride along the Rapti River which offers an excellent opportunity to see crocodiles, a jungle walk and an elephant safari which offers the opportunity to see deer, rhinoceros, and wild boar. For those wishing to see the Royal Bengal Tiger more tailored packages are available. All safaris only offer the opportunity to view these animals so don’t be disappointed if you do not see them. You can also participate in a Tharu cultural dance which is presented by the village locals.
And to end the day there is no better way than with a cool beverage on the bank of the Rapti River whilst viewing the sunset.
Definitely a destination worth visiting.