Early Childhood Development(ECD) teachers refreshment training conducted
Last year in April, the Early Childhood Development (ECD) teachers were trained about the teaching learning techniques in ECD classroom. This year, on 22nd November, the teachers were provided with refreshment training of the same. The founder of Partners in Sustainable Development, Diann Grimm trained the teachers.
Six teachers from six different community schools of jitpur were present in the training. The participants were first revised with the lessons of the previous training. Trainer Diann later provided them with additional training that would be helpful in the overall development of the children attending the Early Childhood Development classes.
The training’s major focus was to help the teachers identify how they can help in the mental, physical and social development of the children. The training was focused on the minute details. The overall training emphasized them to teach children different things like mathematics, manner, language, hygiene and so forth. Each activity was multi dimensional and the teachers found it helpful. Those teachings were more based on extra activities other than the text based teaching. The teachers were advised to teach different songs that carried some value lessons to the children. Besides, they were also trained on story telling to the students using different puppets. Notably, the stories too carried the moral value lessons.
The teachers were also trained with few games. However, the games too were more teaching oriented. The games were aimed to teach wildlife, numbers, colors and so forth to the children. The Early Childhood Development teachers who attended the training were also provided with the materials that were important to carryout those activities. The teachers responded that such training really helped the students. It helped to make the teaching more effective.