Co-ordination Meeting for Toilet Construction
VIN has been supporting various volunteer program for community development in Jitpur community. Meanwhile at community, VIN staffs; Program manager and officer attended municipality ward level Meeting for Toilet Construction in Tinpiple this week.
There were twenty participants from different sectors e.g. political representatives, schools teachers, DDC representative, Drinking water and sanitation regional monitoring and supervision representatives, tarkshwor municipality ward staffs ,sub health post staffs and 7 and 8 ward’s co-coordinators .The main objectives of meeting was to update the toilet construction program and to make mechanism how to be effective on project implementation.
VIN program manger Dr.Laxmi Prasad Ghimire presented the actual situation of toilet construction project and he added VIN need more co-ordination to success open defecate free Village. According to presentation 240 toilets are completed from 2009 to 2015 in Jitpur community by supporting International and national volunteers, village development committee, drinking water and sanitation regional monitoring and evaluation office.
VIN still needs to make near about eighty toilets in the same community. So it is more challenging work for ODF declaration in this FY 2071/72BS. Municipality staff presented more proposal to make six public toilets in different place of Jitpur community.
This meeting was useful for VIN because it will help to build strong co-ordination between partner organizations. We made common agendas for total sanitation program. From Municipality side they will make stronger rules to accomplish toilet construction project in this year.