Maartje Wessels
I volunteered for VIN from July 8th until August 10th 2009. I raised close to 2400 euro (almost 3500$). Eventhough I was placed at the Osel Ling monastery where I taught English, I was also very involved with the projects that VIN runs.
With this money Bhupi and I financed the following projects:
- Furnishing 5 ECD centers (Early Childhood Development centers). From the foam flooring to furniture, educational materials and so forth;
- materials to build 16 toilets at 16 households in the community;
- A soundsystem for Jitpur’s Childrens’ club;
- Outdoor materials (to play sports with) for the Jitpur’s Youth club;
- Bought and brought educational materials in Europe to take with me to the monastery and the VIN office.
At the end of my stay at the monastery, I gave a one day teacher’s training to the teachers of the community. Should you want more information on the projects, please contact me through Bhupi or find me on VIN’s Facebook page.
In the future I want to continue contributing to VIN and the amazing work they do. I herewith want to thank all my sponsors (family, friends, co-workers) for donating such an awesome amount of money. It is money well spent!