Work Camp Program Volunteers at VIN
VIN welcomed eleven new international volunteers, for Long-Midterm and Work camp program. Among the eleven volunteers seven are for Long-midterm program and four are for work camp programs. These volunteers are from six different countries- France, USA, Australia, Hong Kong, Korea and Spain. The volunteers who will be involved in Long- Mid Term programs will have to volunteer for women trafficking, women empowerment, construction and manual work, agro forestry, nunnery and monastery program, and marketing advisor project. Similarly the volunteers who will be involved in work camp program will have to volunteer for post disaster relief project.
Like in the past, as VIN receives new volunteers for the projects, it starts with induction to inform them about VIN and projects in detail. On the first day of induction, both long-midterm and work camp program volunteers were introduced to the Nepali culture followed by Nepali language and health tips. Familiarizing them with language and health issue is very important as they need to work closely with the locals in the community. Besides, they also need to know well about the hygiene status of the community and thus VIN provided them with the important health tips as well. They were instructed on dos and do not for maintaining their health. On the second day of the induction, the volunteers were informed about their placement. VIN placed the volunteers to their host family on the second day after the induction. Those host families were chosen depending on the working site of the respective volunteers.