VIN’s Partnerships On Youths Hand Project with European and African Countries
An international non-formal network that initiated the project “On youth hands” with the purpose to bring together young people form three continents and to strengthen cooperation and support, based on humanitarian values, active citizenship and social inclusion.
Why is our network unique?
The network has started to function from December 2007, once with the initiation of the “On Youth Hands” project that was created following cooperation, educational and social purposes. The first phase of programme will last till November but we hope to continue in the future. This programme is funded by European Eunion. In the 1st meeting in Poland has shared the activities to be done in in its partner countries and programmes countries – Nepal and Cape Vert. The youths will go and volunteer in Cape Vert July and Nepal in August. Please visit www.onyouthhands.eu for more details.
-It promotes intercontinental cooperation and support between three continents: Europe, Africa and Asia.
-It assumes experience exchanges between countries
-It is orientated towards developing countries, such as Nepal and Cape Vert
-Shared and promoted values are:
· active citizenship
· social inclusion
· tolerance
· best practice
· social responsibility
· non-violence
· new millennium development goals – accent upon achieving universal primary education, promoting gender equality and women empowerment, ensuring environmental sustainability, developing a global partnership for development
The members of the network are the following:
-APoWeR – Association for the Promotion of Women in Romania (coordinator),
– “Politehnica” University of Timisoara (Romania),
– CKU – Centre for Continuing Education
– Youth Centre in Sopot (Poland)
– DSP Center – Center for Developing of Social Programs and Social Entrepreneurship (Slovenia)
-INDE – Intercooperation and Development CRL (Portugal)
-ABC – Association Friends of a Common Cradle (Cape Vert)
-VIN – Volunteers Initiative Nepal