Research on Human Trafficking in Nepal
Volunteers Initiative Nepal has been introducing new projects to its communities. VIN has been also receiving volunteers and interns for these projects. Under the Women empowerment Program VIN have programs like Income Generation program, Micro-credit Cooperative, Life skills trainings and Education and awareness programs. VIN has initiated human trafficking program which will educate the population (especially Women) of communities.
VIN received two volunteers for this program recently. They took an initiation to research on Human Trafficking in Nepal and preventions which would help VIN to make its awareness campaigns more effective, intense and supportive. The main aim of this research was how to make this program more effective in the communities and know the challenges and limitations. The research targeted different organization working mainly for human trafficking in Nepal. Not only organization but the researchers also interviewed policemen from the local police station. Researchers targeted counselors and survivors. The research brought lots of findings, challenges and limitation to run this programs in the communities.
After the research, the researcher also gave presentation on human trafficking at Okhaldhunga community. We want to educate as manypeople on this issue and bring positive outcomes. VIN still needs skilled volunteers to take these program to the next level. If you are interested and have skills to work on these issues, VIN welcomes to be a part of it.