VIN hosted kick off meeting of CHARGER project
VIN successfully conducted meeting of CHARGER project – a project funded by European Commission in the framework of ERASMUS+ Program. It was a kick off meeting of the partners- Volunteer Spirit Association – Thailand, Fundacja Centrum Aktywnosci Tworczej – Poland, VOLUNTEERS INITIATIVE NEPAL – Nepal, PISTES SOLIDAIRES ASSOCIATION – France, Rural Centre for Human Interests – India, CAZALLA Intercultural – Spain. The project aims to develop model of empowerment of young people through development of the employability skills. The meeting that started on 27th September 2016, presented about the flow of the project, revised the needs of the organizations and so forth.
The meeting was attended by Volunteer Spirit Association – Thailand, VOLUNTEERS INITIATIVE NEPAL – Nepal, PISTES SOLIDAIRES ASSOCIATION – France, Rural Centre for Human Interests – India, CAZALLA Intercultural – Spain. Through this project we will offer 18 Voluntary Service activities (EVS) between Europe and Asia for young people.
The kick off meeting concluded on 1st October, 2016. The attendants were taken for sightseeing to Nagarkot and Bhaktapur at the end.
The project will organize International Training Course in Spain and Local Training Course in each partner organizations. Further, the partner countries will exchange the EVS volunteers for 6 months. Nepal will host 6 volunteers from Spain, Poland and France, 2 from each country respectively. VIN will send one motivated volunteer to Pistes Solidaires Association in France for 6 months.
Content of the kick off meeting:
- Presentation of the people and organization in the partnership
- Presentation of the flow of the project
- Revising the needs of the organizations
- Situation of NEETs in our countries, and analysing this group as a target group of the project
- Finalizing the project management guide
- Discussion on the financial management rules and regulations
- Specifying the objectives of the training course, discussing the profile of participants and expected outcomes
- Discussing the local trainings phase
- Discussing the video tutorials
- EVS phase
- Development of the tools for management of the activities
- Discussing in details the activities of the volunteers
- Creating the common standards for the preparation and evaluation phase
- Planning the on arrival trainings
- Discussing the common systems of support and mentoring
- Setting up the system for crisis management
- Creation of common dissemination plan
- Creation of common monitoring, evaluation and impact assessment plan
- Evaluation