2015 Exposure Visit Program for Women
At first the excursion visit was conducted by VIN in 2014 for women empowerment. This is regular program for growing knowledge of women. Therefore, a three days exposure visit program was designed for the women members of Jitpurphedi Women Agriculture Cooperative which was established in support and facilitation by VIN.
The exposure visit program aimed to enhance Women’s knowledge through exposure to best practices in cooperative management systems and its governance. All together 64 women were selected for exposure visit. They were taken to Chitwan, Rupandehi, Kapilvastu and Tanahun districts and exposed to income generation practices of other organizations, especially on vegetable and livestock farms. They visited to some historical and tourists areas of Lumbini and Sauraha to have fun.
The main objectives were -to visit and get insight on some income generation activities conducted by other organizations so as to replicate the best practices, to visit model cooperative to learn about its governance and progress, to interact with the members of model cooperative and get knowledge on management and coordination systems.
All together 67 participants took part in this visit out of them 64 were selected from women group from cooperative, 2 from VDC and 1 from VIN as program Officer. They were satisfied with the trip although the time was limited. Women got lots of knowledge from the trip such has agro farming, animal husbandry, micro credit transaction and many income generating skills.
There was good cooperation among the women and were eager to learn from the activities conducted. There was a hope that even the Jitpurphedi community can also conduct such type activities. And further women are looking forward to see such types of visit again.