Fleuri Domingues Barreto Arruda
We found VIN through their website and immediately got interested on the buddhist monastery program since it seemed a unique experience. The choice of VIN was based upon its outstanding organization and high-quality on-line material. And as soon as we arrived in Kathmandu, our expectations were proved right. We were provided the basic information about the culture, the language and teaching techniques. Throughout our stay we also got support in many other issues such as extending our VISAs, placement and tours around Nepal.
Regarding our experience at the Buddhist monastery, we were immersed in an utterly different cultural environment. We were waken up by the pujas (their daily worship), ate dal-bhat (rice and pulse) and went to bed as early as 8PM. Besides that the monks were really friendly and welcoming making us feel very comfortable. The classes were amusing for the children were funny and eager to learn. Summing up, teaching at a Buddhist monastery was quite rewarding and we definitely recommend it.
Monastery Volunteers
Jan 15 to Feb 13, 2010
Fleuri Arruda
Guilherme Major
Lucas Gomes