Monthly Volunteers Meeting, January
VIN conducted Volunteers Meeting on 23rd January with participation of 11 international volunteers. Monthly volunteer meeting is held each month, so as to know the volunteering experiences of different volunteers and interns, their feedback related to their projects. The meeting started at around 3 pm with the introduction of each volunteer who were divided into a pair and they introduce each other. After the introductory session, they discussed on various agendas, experience sharing, activities they have carried out so far, theor achievements, suggestions and possible ways to tackle the challenges.
The volunteers working under “Water Research” Project has been working on testing and sampling the water at Jitpurphedi community whereas the volunteers in women’s empowerment program is giving classes on English language and classes on women trafficking prevention. Likewise, one of the volunteer has been working on toilet construction and he explains how his experience was. He explains that its both easy and difficult.
Other volunteers who are teaching English in Buddhist monastery and working in Orphanage are very much enjoying their time with the kids. They basically had no complain against the accommodation and other facilities provided. Some of the volunteers explain that they need guidance with teaching English. All the volunteers are very much determined to accomplish their volunteering and hence contribute to the empowerment of marginalized communities from every possible way.
At the end, the volunteer Manager provided VIN’s update and talked about News and reports. Volunteers also shared their further plans during the meeting. VIN is successful to implement its Holistic development projects only because of dedicated national and international volunteers. If you wish to make a positive impact in the life of poor and rural people and support them like our volunteers, please apply us now as a volunteer and intern.